Sunday, April 15, 2012

A little about me..

Hey y'all! I'm still pretty new to this, but I'm learning. I became interested in blogging through the greatest website ever invented PINTREST, I am completely addicted. By reading other peoples blogs and seeing the cool new stuff I decided it couldn't be that difficult, so why not give it a try? Here goes..
I'm a 17 year old high school junior in a small southern town in North Carolina. There are so many things I could say, both positive and negative, about living in such a small community. Nothing is better than sunshine, Friday night football games and baseball season with the best friends a girl could ask for. Like most teenagers I'm addicted to twitter (follow me!) I'm going to try to have weekly posts about things going on in my small town life and my many adventures as a teenager, but I think that's it for now so have a great week everyone!